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Personal & Semi-Private Training


Novalife Fitness understands that when it comes to fitness training, one size definitely does not fit all! That’s why we offer a range of personal and semi-private training classes to meet the specific fitness goals of our students. No matter your age or fitness condition, we can customize a class for you! Personal training enables you to connect with your instructor at a deeper level. By being able to ask questions in a private environment, you ensure that your trainer understands your needs and can meet them.


Semi-private sessions with a friend or family member can also be very motivating if you’d rather not workout on your own. At Novalife Fitness, our personal trainers motivate students by helping them set realistic goals, providing them with feedback, and making them accountable. They measure both your strengths and weaknesses and build on them accordingly. They also offer advice and recommendations on all aspects of wellness and nutritional to accompany and maximize on your fitness program.

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